Quib.ly Team Blog

Join the first members-only community that helps parents give their kids a head start in this connected world.

Join us for the Twitter party – #joyoftech

After the overwhelming response to our last Twitter chat #futureEd, we are back with a great new topic – The big bang of Tech and creativity.Giraffe

How can parents and teachers use technology to motivate students? Are there any creative toys parents are planning to buy for kids on Christmas? How can life hacking be encouraged in kids? Come one, come all. We would love to have you. Join us on Twitter Thursday, Nov 13th, 03-04pm (GMT) /10-11 am (EST)

Please click  here to RSVP.


1) Create a Twitter account if you don’t have one and follow at least the host (@Quibly) of the chat.

2) Search for #joyoftech on twitter- you will find tweets from other participants.

3) Tweet your questions/opinions ALWAYS WITH THE (#) HASHTAG – #joyoftech

eg : How can lifehacking be encouraged in kids? #joyoftech

Our panelists and moderators are:

Quib.ly Twitter chat panelists

Update: Thanks to everyone who participated. We generated a lot of tweets, great ideas and thoughtful opinions on the topic. The storified version of the tweetcon can be read here

About Chanda Gohrani

I am a huge fan of all things internet, always have been and always will be. I also try to write anyway I can.

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