Quib.ly Team Blog

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All I want for Christmas is…money!

No doubt you remember, learned reader, when we introduced you to PKTMNY – no, we haven’t lost all the vowels off our keyboard. Sigh. Maybe you don’t remember. Anyway, we’re all ready to re-introduce you to the service, with a special festive spin!

Apparently two-thirds of kids would prefer money for Christmas.

Apparently two-thirds of kids would prefer money for Christmas.

PKTMNY  is, basically, a VISA card you pre-load with money and give to your child, rather than saddling them with coins and notes that don’t do much if they want to buy some Farmville accessories. The name pretty much explains it – it’s the modern update of an allowance. How does that become seasonal? Well, in the same way that receiving money in the post for Christmas seems similarly old-fashioned – so, why not send a PKTMNY card instead?

‘Christmas is one of the happiest but conversely most pressured times of the year for families as we do all we can to buy the right gifts for a loved one. Increasingly, we give money but often with a sense that a gift would have more value,’ says Mark Timbrell, founder and CEO of PKTMNY, ‘In fact, as our research shows, children prefer being able to write a wish list and then put any gifts they receive towards achieving their goal. Giving this way then ensures your loved ones receive what they want while most importantly becomes a powerful way of helping a child learn to save before spending.’

It’s true: apparently two-thirds of kids would prefer money for Christmas. A little less exciting when they tear open the tiny presents beneath the tree come December 25, perhaps, but it does mean they avoid getting a present they don’t want (sorry to all those Grandparents laden with socks and goofy jumpers). Plus those buying the presents have one less stress on their mind around the festive period. And you can’t say farer than that, can you? ‘Tis the season to be techie…

About Tom

Tom Baker is a recent graduate from University of Derby's joint Creative Writing and Media Writing programmes. He has written lots of short stories, a whole mess of music writing, two poems, and a song about a mentally ill playwright.

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