Quib.ly Team Blog

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What we learned this week #22

What an exciting couple of weeks it’s been, eh? We assume you’ve got all those decorations up – the tinsel, the tree, the fairy Christmas tree lights reflecting from glass balls and mirrorlights – to celebrate the long-awaited launch of Quib.ly. And we feel supremely honoured that you’d all go to such effort for little old us. And presents too? You shouldn’t have! In return, we can offer all this cool stuff that we learned this week.

 You don’t need a breeze to fly a kite

 In fact, you don’t even need to leave the house! Thanks to Japanese toy whizzes Takara Tomy, you need only tear your little one away from their PS3 or BlackBerry momentarily (they don’t even need to put a coat on!) to enjoy these hand-cranked flying machines. You’re not likely to get them to the highest height – and definitely not soaring through the atmosphere – but they’re still pretty neat.

 PKTMNY is for Christmas, not just for life

 We’ve already introduced you guys to PKTMNY, the innovative and modern way of sorting out your kids’ allowance (by putting it on a debit card, not handing them a fistful of loose change). This week, we found out it works especially well during this time of year, too – find out all about it here.

 Quib.ly readers are smart thinkers

Okay, so we didn’t strictly learn that this week – we’ve had a hunch you lot are an intelligent bunch since, y’know, you’re part of the site (you’re probably all good-looking, too) – but that hunch was re-affirmed by the sterling success of our second Twitter party this week, #joyoftech! Have a search through that hashtag for some of the Q&As offered.


About Tom

Tom Baker is a recent graduate from University of Derby's joint Creative Writing and Media Writing programmes. He has written lots of short stories, a whole mess of music writing, two poems, and a song about a mentally ill playwright.

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This entry was posted on December 16, 2012 by in Uncategorized, What we learned this week and tagged , , .

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