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Gimme a Lego and I shall build my world

On this day, all the way back in 1958, the Lego brick was patented. Let’s reflect a little on the trademark plastic brick

The Lego brick was patented on 28th January, 1950. It has come a long way since then.

The Lego brick was patented on 28th January, 1950. It has come a long way since then.

which has come a long way from its humble beginning.

When Ole Kirk Christiansen, the Danish founder of Lego established his toy company in 1932, he was searching for a suitable name – something short and should convey playing well.  He formed Lego from Danish phrase leg godt for play well. What he didn’t know was in Latin the word Lego means I put together. And that’s what the children of the last century did with their Lego sets – putting a world together of castles, giant sized cathedrals and even batcaves. Who doesn’t want their own batcave? Lego made it possible.

Although Lego isn’t for our children what it was for us. But do these developments limit kid’s creativity in the way the ‘original’ sets encouraged it? Quib.ly writer Tom Baker thinks that today’s Legos are still about imagination, creativity, and all that other fun stuff.

Lego has also been a force for change, and as we found out, its FIRST LEGO League for robot enthusiasts has seen projects on climate change and disability, among many others.

lego1While it’s getting cozy with iPhone and other ‘cool toys’, Lego recently announced the new Lego robot, which can be controlled from your phone. We think it’s one of the most awesome toys EVER!

Here’s to another 55 years of creativity, one brick at a time.

About Chanda Gohrani

I am a huge fan of all things internet, always have been and always will be. I also try to write anyway I can.

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