Quib.ly Team Blog

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No one ever got hired off a tweet

I think we already know how bad behaviour online can be less than conducive to getting jobs, but people just don’t take my advice! One in 10 young people, in fact, are not heeding said advice.

Facebook costing 16-34s jobs in tough economic climate

Facebook costing 16-34s jobs in tough economic climate

Yep, that’s a pretty massive portion of the population and they have been turned down for jobs because of their Facebook profiles. And two thirds of them don’t care about it! Said social network butterflies are usually more concerned with how their profiles make them look to their friends than potential employers.

Considering how thin on the ground jobs are at present – and they’re thinning more every day  – you’d think their priorities would’ve adjusted a little. Might be something to bear in mind: not only should you remind your kids that everything they put online is open for the whole world to see, but that whole world includes people who might not consider them for a job if their Twitter timeline’s full of dodgy photos and blue language. Or worse, Harlem Shake videos.

About Tom

Tom Baker is a recent graduate from University of Derby's joint Creative Writing and Media Writing programmes. He has written lots of short stories, a whole mess of music writing, two poems, and a song about a mentally ill playwright.

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This entry was posted on June 17, 2013 by in Uncategorized.

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