Quib.ly Team Blog

Join the first members-only community that helps parents give their kids a head start in this connected world.

Not long until our home education Twitter chat!

If you’re curious about home schooling, considering home schooling, already home schooling or perhaps even sceptical about home schooling, our Twitter chat on Thursday is the ideal time to get all your questions answered.

We have lined up four brilliant bloggers that have home schooled their children for a variety of reasons and using a variety of tools and techniques. Meet them here.

We also have Jacqueline Daniell from InterHigh on board to talk about how virtual secondary schools work (and how they get great results).

To join the chat, simply follow @quibly and use the hashtag #QuiblyQs 

You can also tell us you plan to come by RSVPing on our Facebook event.

About Quib.ly

Join the first members-only community that helps parents give their kids a head start in this connected world.

One comment on “Not long until our home education Twitter chat!

  1. Pingback: A virtual high school, how does that work? | Quib.ly Team Blog

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This entry was posted on June 18, 2013 by in Education, Quib.ly, Social Media, Twitter Chat and tagged , , .

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