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Zuckerberg: Bringing the internet to everyone

Two thirds of the world’s population can’t access the internet. That’s a pretty staggering majority. Pretty crazy, right? Just think

Image courtesy: Wikipedia.org

Image courtesy: Wikipedia.org

how important being connected is for your day to day life, and then check out Internet.org  – a URL I can’t believe wasn’t already taken – a new initiative aimed at getting the world connected, funded by (amongst others) Mark Zuckerberg!

Cynics might suggest the Facebook creator’s partly in it to try and beat Google, but there’s no cynics here, right? Good, because Internet.org sounds like a pretty noble cause. Working with mobile operators like Samsung and Nokia, Zuckerberg’s hoping to lower the cost of getting the internet to people in rural areas – especially on their phones, which he wants to make run better.

As a guy with a reasonably popular website, Zuckerberg’s in a good position to spread internet connectivity across the globe. In fact, he believes it’s an important thing to do: he laid out his thoughts and motivations for the project in a paper called ‘Is Connectivity A Human Right?‘ (which sounds familiar… ). It’s kind of unclear what concrete steps Internet.org are gonna make in ensuring that ‘right’, but they’ve certainly got the clout to succeed.

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This entry was posted on August 22, 2013 by in Digital Future and tagged , , , , , , .

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