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It’s Parents’ Week! (Isn’t that every week?)

Parenting is a full-time job (or so I’m told) (by my parents), so it’s nice to see them get a bit of recognition. In fact Parents’ logoWeek isn’t so much about celebrating parents as it is encouraging them to get families spending more time together by making ‘one change’, which is something we’ve talked about on Quib.ly many a time! Here’s a few of our stand-out conversations on the subject.

The work/life balance is harder for mums

Or that’s the way that Simon Munk sees it, anyway:

‘I know too many couples where the man still heads off to full-time work while the woman juggles the tatters of her career with part-time mumming. In many cases that may be because we’re still saddled with a ludicrously sexist and entrenched work culture where women earn less generally, men get less paternity time, women’s job prospects almost automatically suffer post-kids while men’s don’t and where it’s far more acceptable for women to go part or flexi-time.’

But they need to set a good example!

Leading by example is Marcin Szablewski’s way of teaching kids a good work/life balance for when they’re parents, at least:

‘Kids at a young age mimic their parents. I’ve seen this a lot with my two kids. My putting aside time for the things I like to do as well as time with them has instilled the same sense of planning/organizing in my 4 and 8 year old. I’ve found that if I put aside an hour to read or do some writing, my kids will do the same. They’ll spend that hour reading or creating (LEGO, colouring or drawing/painting).’

Make one change to improve your family’s life!

This is Hank. Anthony Flower's adorable little fluffy puppy.

This is Hank. Anthony Flower’s adorable little fluffy puppy.

Our social media maven Chanda asked us directly: what one change would you make, as suggested by Parents’ Week? Anthony Flowers’ answer was adorable:

‘We decided to get a puppy! The agreement is that we walk him, as a family, twice a day.’

And Magda de Lange’s sounds fun:

‘None of us are involved in any activities on a Wednesday afternoon and thus the concept of Wonderful Wednesdays arose. We take turns to select activities which involves all of us and all of us are on a weekly basis looking forward to spending quality time together on a Wednesday.’

What’s yours? Tell us! Tell us! I mean, if you want to. Or if you have the time, tsk.


About Tom

Tom Baker is a recent graduate from University of Derby's joint Creative Writing and Media Writing programmes. He has written lots of short stories, a whole mess of music writing, two poems, and a song about a mentally ill playwright.

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This entry was posted on October 24, 2013 by in Parenting and tagged , , , .

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