Quib.ly Team Blog

Join the first members-only community that helps parents give their kids a head start in this connected world.


Why do children blush when they lie? Why does South Korea beat most of the world in education? Can kids learn empathy through gaming? Is it foolish to buy your child’s glasses online? How can we make Facebook safer for children to use?

Parenting = questions.

But as you go along the journey, you gather experience and knowledge too, not to mention a stack of opinions.

The team at Quib.ly have built a question and answer community ultimately equipped to help tackle any situation in which you find yourself, by bringing together real-life experience, fascinating articles and expert insight.

Parents and experts (and parents who are experts, of course) can ask questions on a multitude of topics and receive and add answers.

What’s different about us? 

  • We’re doing it for the dads too. You guys are seriously unrepresented on parenting sites and we know you give just as many damns as mothers do.
  • This is not a bun fight, you will not be judged for your opinions or your decisions. Sure, there will be different approaches and ideas, but this will be a discussion, not a bare-chested wrestling match.
  • We don’t think we have the answer, because we don’t think there ever is one answer. This is about pooling all our resources, knowledge, experiences and expertise to help parents explore options and get fresh ideas.
  • We’re bringing together experts from the worlds of neuroscience, education, family therapy,  technology, the media and more.

Quib.ly gives you fresh and relevant questions and answers, delivered based upon your interests and experiences, so the more you use Quib.ly, the better and more personalised your experience will be.

There are plenty more cool tools and fresh functions we’d love to tell you about, but it would be so much easier if you’d just come and join at www.quib.ly!

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