Quib.ly Team Blog

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Category Archives: Child behaviour

What we learned this week #60

We’ve got a fun blog this week, and something a bit different: a couple of questions that caused some healthy debate and actually kind of play off each other. See, fun! (Still got it).

September 20, 2013 · Leave a comment

What we learned this week #59

Pablo Picasso once said ‘Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.’ But what did he know? He couldn’t even paint people properly! Besides, we now know that computers – and phones even – can do even more than that. And while the new iPhones took up a lot of attention, there’s some other stuff we learned this week too.

September 16, 2013 · Leave a comment

Why do I use Kik and Whatsapp? I’ll tell you

Kik and WhatsApp are two of my favourite social media apps, I use them all the time on my iPad and my phone!

August 20, 2013 · Leave a comment

The apps that 12-year-olds care about and why

I have so many apps on my iPad and phone which I probably don’t know are on there, I downloaded them purely because they looked cool or were free for that week! But I have three that I mainly use; BBM, MessageMe and Touch. Here’s why…

August 12, 2013 · Leave a comment

It’s all about education this week

With such a wide range of education professionals using our site, we have plenty of topical stuff to share with you. As always, we are very excited. Read on:

March 5, 2013 · 2 Comments

What we learned this week #29

It’s been an exciting week in our corner of the world. Here’s some neat stuff we learned this week.

February 2, 2013 · Leave a comment

The future of social media: the new honesty?

As social networks become a more ingrained part of our day-to-day lives, does that mean kids will grow up being liars? It could go either way.

February 1, 2013 · Leave a comment

Is it down to a pop star to stimulate the STEM subjects?

Black Eyed Peas Will.i.am is on a campaign to get kids fired up about learning nerdier subjects. Let’s see how.

December 3, 2012 · 3 Comments

Is the internet really a dark and dangerous place?

Julie Lynn Evans, ‘one of the [UK’s] foremost child psychotherapists’, says it can be. She is ‘convinced that the internet… makes any problem more urgent, more dramatic’ and that has resulted directly in a worsening in the behaviour of teens.

November 22, 2012 · 1 Comment

Hey! Ho! Let’s learn!: Is punk learning the way forward?

What’s the point in teaching children information they have no interest in, and no use for? Chances are they’ll not take any of it in, wasting both theirs and the teacher’s time.

November 19, 2012 · 3 Comments

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