Quib.ly Team Blog

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Kindles Vs books: what do kids really think?

As parents, we make a lot of assumptions about children and their interests. Sometimes, asking them what they really think can be full of surprises. As was the case when we asked fantastic 10-year-old blogger Mr Turtle who comes top out of Kindles and ‘real’ books… Over to you, Mr Turtle.

July 2, 2013 · Leave a comment

Down with paper, long live screens

While we once considered that e-books might lead to kids reading actual books, it looks like that mightn’t be the case for much longer: a recent study found the yoof ‘prefer’ reading on screens.

May 25, 2013 · Leave a comment

It’s all about education this week

With such a wide range of education professionals using our site, we have plenty of topical stuff to share with you. As always, we are very excited. Read on:

March 5, 2013 · 2 Comments

Almost ready to take off. Request an invite for early access

We’re still taking requests for invitations and if you’re quick, you may get one of the first batches so do come to Quib.ly to add your details.

November 18, 2012 · 4 Comments

Quib.ly review: Kindle Paperwhite

Gone is the keyboard and page turn buttons in favour of a capacitive touch screen. The resolution is a pin sharp 758X1024 on a six inch screen. In short, the Paperwhite is a pleasure.

November 12, 2012 · 3 Comments

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