Quib.ly Team Blog

Join the first members-only community that helps parents give their kids a head start in this connected world.

What we learned this week #65

Now happy as a new iPad might make your sprogs, we took a look at some of the broader issues affecting your kids in the digital world.

October 25, 2013 · Leave a comment

What we learned this week #57

So how about that internet eh? Great as it can be – it’s full of informative, witty and helpful information (and blogs) (specific blogs) (hint hint) – it can be a bit of a no man’s land where your kids are concerned. That’s what we’ve been talking about this week!

August 30, 2013 · Leave a comment

Trolls target baby monitor

Think staying off social networks is enough to avoid the trolls? Think again: earlier this month a hacker took control of a baby monitor and hurled abuse at a two-year-old.

August 27, 2013 · Leave a comment

The things we think and do not say (about e-safety)

James Diamond provides training and advice on e-safety and safeguarding and is a popular expert on Quib.ly. Here he busts some myths and rights some wrongs about e-safety.

July 12, 2013 · Leave a comment

Dispatches from the front line of online consequences

Rob Zidar is co-founder of ThirdParent.net, a company that can check the public profile of children and teenagers online on behalf of parents and, yep, employers and universities. We asked him how this works and why even digitally-savvy parents may be surprised at the consequences of an iffy online profile.

July 11, 2013 · Leave a comment

Everybody’s talkin’ #1

Sorry if I put that Harry Nilsson song in your head – well, not really, because it’s great – but it’s a pretty snappy name for this new recurring blog feature where we run down the most popular talking points on Quib.ly this past week. In this inaugural edition: Games! Apps! Money!

June 10, 2013 · Leave a comment

‘Power to the parents!’ with the MiiPC

Quib.ly parents and professionals have debated how much monitoring is the right amount when it comes to your kids’ computer usage before: whether it’s best to let them get on with it, go full Big Brother, or to maintain a balance between the two. The Kickstarter-funded MiiPC is an elegant solution to that problem. An elegant solution that you can play Angry Birds on.

May 8, 2013 · Leave a comment

Connect with respect, shouldn’t we all take this advice?

Today is the tenth annual Safer Internet Day, and with a theme like ‘connect with respect’ how could we not get behind this? At Quib.ly, as you hopefully know by now, we’re as much about celebration of the internet as we are about common sense caution.

February 5, 2013 · Leave a comment

What we learned this week #25

Here we all are, together again, gathered ‘round the warming glow of the flatscreen, to look back on another week of exciting, occasionally ridiculous, technology and parenting news.

January 11, 2013 · Leave a comment

Instagram’s dramatic policy shift and how it affects you

You could now star in an advertisement without your knowledge, thanks to Instagram’s new terms of services. Will the change prompt you to quit using the service?

December 18, 2012 · 3 Comments

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