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Bringing science abuse to the London stage

Confession, this is a totally biased blog post because my kids love Brainiac: Science Abuse, the Sky One science show that explodes caravans, investigates belly button fluff and generally brings out the gross, funny and fascinating stuff to science that genuinely engages kids. And now the anarchy and (whisper it) learning is exploding all over the London stage.

August 6, 2013 · Leave a comment

WIRED 2013: The Next Generation

Space: the final frontier. These are the… sorry, lost myself in Picard for a moment there. The Wired 2013 conference’s Next Gen spin-off doesn’t involve Star Trek, so far as I know; instead, it’s all about the next generation of tech and gadget innovators! One of whom might invent a universal translator. No?

July 14, 2013 · Leave a comment

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